Now showing items 1-20 of 3910

    • 01 Conductas Clínicamente Relevantes 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      Clinically Relevant Behaviors (CRBs) are all behaviors presented by consultants within the therapy session. For example: thoughts, perceptions, feelings, emotions, memories, movements, etc.
    • 01 Qué es una crisis 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      The crisis is a state of imbalance in which the reaction of an individual to a stressful life experience temporarily compromises their stability and coping skills, being the result of precipitating events of life development ...
    • 02 Terapia de Grupo 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      Group psychotherapy is a treatment in which a group of people with similar problems meet, interact, play different roles and help each other, being coordinated by a trained therapist, who assumes a leadership role and ...
    • 02 Terapias de 1°, 2° y 3° generación 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      "The three waves or generations of therapies In Psychology the applied techniques and therapies arise since the behavioral therapies or behavioral modification made their appearance, the evolution of behavioral therapy has ...
    • 03 Psicoterapia Analitico Funcional (PAF) - Conductas clínicamente relevantes (CCR) 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) is a therapy based on Skinner's radical behaviorism, which takes up the therapeutic relationship as the main agent of change, in which the behavior of the client in session becomes ...
    • 03 Reglas terapéuticas. La Psicoterapia Analitico Funcional. (PAF) 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      This virtual learning object presents the 5 therapeutic rules established by functional analytical psychotherapy (FAP)
    • 04 Primera estrategia terapéutica desde la teoría de los marcos relacionales (TMR) 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      This virtual learning object presents the first therapeutic strategy since Relational frame theory (RFT)).
    • 04 Psicoterapia Analitico Funcional (PAF) 5 Reglas 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (PAF) is a therapy based on Skinner's radical behaviorism, which takes up the therapeutic relationship as the main agent of change, in which five therapeutic rules are proposed to promote ...
    • 05 Activación Conductual 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      The Activation of Behavior is a third generation therapy that has a strong empirical support in the treatment of depression and is exclusively conformed by behavioral techniques that provide a behavioral management of ...
    • 05 Segunda estrategia terapéutica desde la teoría de los marcos relacionales (TMR) 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      This virtual learning object presents the second therapeutic strategy since Relational frame theory (RFT).
    • 06 Diferencias entre Análisis Funcional Molar y Molecular 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      Within clinical psychology, functional analysis is an evaluation strategy that allows the identification of behavior patterns, providing a synthesis of the consultant's problems along with the variables that determine how ...
    • 06 Tercera estrategia terapéutica desde la teoría de los marcos relacionales (TMR) 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      This virtual learning object presents the third therapeutic strategy since the Relational frame theory (RFT)
    • 07 Evolución de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      This virtual learning object presents the development of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy from its beginnings to the present day.
    • 07 Fuentes de resistencia al cambio del consultante en entornos terapéuticos 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      The behaviors of resistance to change are those behaviors that can interfere with the achievement of satisfactory therapeutic results, appearing in clients, therapists or other people. These come from internal sources that ...
    • 08 Estrategias en Psicoterapia basadas en La teoría de los marcos relacionales (TMR) 

      Criollo Gómez; Andrea Bibiana (Escuela de PosgradosMaestría en Psicología ClínicaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      Relational frame theory (RFT) is a comprehensive account of verbal behavior (Hayes, Barnes‐Holmes, & Roche, 2001). Because psychotherapy almost always relies on verbal behavior, all kinds of psychological interventions ...
    • 08 Modelo teórico del Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad 

      Robayo Pérez, Sara Cristina (Facultad de PsicologíaPsicologíaColombia., 2019-06-30)
      The Dialectic Behavioral Therapy is a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of mental disorders of great complexity, being especially useful to treat the Personality Limit Disorder, which comprises five problem areas, ...
    • 2D Vector sum 

      César Augusto Vargas García
      Explains graphically and numerically how to perform 2D sum operations
    • 3 cosas que te gustaría saber sobre la historia de la chicha en Bogotá y no te han contado. 

      Vanegas Carrasco, Estefanía. (2022Colombia, 2022-05-26)
      Este objeto virtual de aprendizaje explica porque se prohibió la fabricación y distribución de la Chicha en Bogotá a mitad del siglo XX. Se describen los discursos científicos y sociales que se fueron construyendo desde ...
    • Las 3 Estrategias Competitivas Genéricas De Porter 

      Lora Suarez, Julio Enrique (Colombia, 2009-12-30)
      Porter afirma que las estrategias competitivas son acciones de carácter defensivo y ofensivo de una empresa para crear una posición defendible dentro de una industria. Las tres estrategias son el liderazgo general en costos, ...
    • Las 5 Fuerzas Competitivas De Porter Parte 1 

      Lora Suarez, Julio Enrique (Colombia, 2009-12-30)
      The five forces correspond to an analysis by Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter. They serve to analyse competition within a given industry in order to develop a good business strategy. It also allows us to ...