• Traditions - Past and Present 

      Góngora Vanegas, Sandra Patricia (Colombia., 2018-06-30)
      What traditions did you use to follow before that you don't do now? The expression used to is used to talk about past habits that are not true anymore in the present.
    • If Robots Take Over The World 

      Góngora Vanegas, Sandra Patricia (Colombia., 2018-06-30)
      Conditional sentences are used to express a situation and its possible result. There are three types: conditional 0, which is used to talk about facts; conditional I, which refers to possible situations; and conditional ...
    • What´s the most spoken language in your country? 

      Góngora Vanegas, Sandra Patricia (2018-06-30)
      The passive voice is used with transitive verbs that affect an object, which will be the subject of the sentence. The structure of the passive voice sentence is with verb be as the main verb (in present, past or future ...
    • Amazed with the Amazing View 

      Góngora Vanegas, Sandra Patricia (2018, 2018-06-30)
      Adjectives are used to describe nouns. In English, there are many adjectived ending in -ing and -ed, however these must never be confused with verbs. -Ing adjectives describe something's general characteristics, whilst -ed ...
    • In the Wild 

      Góngora Vanegas, Sandra Patricia (Colombia., 2018-06-30)
      Indefinite pronouns every, some, any ansd no are used to refer to people, objects and places in an unspecified with, that is, not with a specific number.
    • Can you tell me if... - Indirect questions 

      Góngora Vanegas, Sandra Patricia (2018Colombia., 2018-06-30)
      Indirect questions are used to enquire information or express doubts in a formal, more polite manner; their structure is different from a normal question.
    • Present Perfect vs Simple Past 

      Góngora Vanegas, Sandra Patricia (Colombia., 2018-06-30)
      The present perfect tense is used to refer to past experiences in no specific time; in additon, it is also used to talk about an action that started in a moment in the past but is still in progress. Contrary to the simple ...